2025 Bible Reading Plan

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The Southlands Bible Reading Plan is designed to help you get into God's Word on a daily basis, and to get in sync with our whole community by reading the same passages together! Whether you're new to reading the Bible or you've been consistently reading the Bible for a long time, this plan will help you to read the Bible in a year!

What you'll accomplish

Read through the entire Old Testament one time
Read through the entire New Testament one time
Read through the Psalms one time
Read through Proverbs three times

Join with us!

The Southlands Bible Reading Plan is designed to help you get into God's Word on a daily basis, and to get in sync with our whole community by reading the same passages together! Whether you're new to reading the Bible or you've been consistently reading the Bible for a long time.


- Use a translation that you understand.
- If you miss a day,  just jump back in with the plan for the day.
- Share what you read with others.  
- Choose a location and time that you can stick to.
- Read to hear from God, not to finish a checklist.


The Old Testament records all that God has done from the beginning of creation up until the birth of Christ to redeem a people for Himself. It begins in the garden of Eden where man sinfully rebelled against God and brought deadly consequences to humanity and all creation. It then tells how God chose Abraham to begin His rescue plan for the whole world. He promised that one of Abraham's descendants would crush the works of the devil and bring God's blessing to all the nations. God then multiplies Abraham's family into the nation of Israel, He rescues them from slavery in Egypt, and He gives them the land He promised them. But despite all of God's steadfast love and faithfulness, Israel continues to rebel against God - just like Adam. The whole story points to humanity's desperate need for the Savior God promised - the descendant of Abraham who would undo what happened in Eden! Reading the Old Testament gives the good news of Jesus deep roots in our hearts, and it reveals to us the awesome and marvelous character of our God.


The New Testament books (Acts - Revelation) record for us the beginning of the church, and how God powerfully worked to spread the good news of Jesus throughout the whole world. The letters of the New Testament teach us what Christ's death and resurrection have accomplished for believers, and our future hope of His return to make all things new. Reading the New Testament gives us a gospel centered perspective in our lives and teaches us to live transformed lives because Christ is in us.


Psalms and Proverbs are books of worship and practical wisdom from the Old Testament. The book of Psalms was Israel's hymnal, and is designed to teach us how to worship God and meaningfully relate to Him. The book of Proverbs is filled with practical instructions for what our life should look like when we "fear the LORD" (Prov. 1:7). Consistently reading Psalms and Proverbs helps us grow in worshipping God and honoring Him in all we do.


The Gospels are absolutely essential to our faith. They record the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. They were written so that we can believe in Jesus and have life in His name (John 20:31)! After Jesus rose from the dead, He commissioned His people to make disciples of all nations teaching them to observe all that He has commanded (Matthew 28:20). This means that to be a fully devoted disciple of Jesus, we must know what He said and commit our lives to obeying it. By reading the Gospels we get to know Jesus so much better and experience real, meaningful life as we believe in Him and obey Him.